Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 8 ~ Supplements, My "Other" Personal Assistant

Today's Thoughts:  Okay, seems like I am gaining weight these past two days.  I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but somehow I do not seem to think this is the reason why.  It's not that I feel off the wagon- I stuck to my diet with the exception of one beer.  Hmmmm.  I really do not think that's going to do it.  Well, it is giving me motivation to workout harder tomorrow.  
Now, the one other thing that is different in my routine in the last two days is that I have incorporated four new dietary supplements.  Could that be it?  Hmmmm. Honestly, I do not see how...Supplements are made to provide those nutrients that may be missing from your diet.  They are made to assist what you eat... like a personal assistant for your diet. However, let's wait and see what happens. Now, let me add that supplements are just that... they are NOT intended to replace food 100%.

Calley's drawing of Mommy working out
wii Fit Plus Tip of the Day:  Don't forget to incorporate you daily activities or training outside of wii Fit Plus routines into your wii Activity Log - calories and credits are added to what you earned working out.  In Graph under Fit Credits, select Activity Log.  You can log activities such as yard work, cooking and cleaning.  However, you can only do it the day of your activity- you can't go back and enter for the previous day's activities.
Day 7 Weight:            170.0 lbs.   
Day 8 Weight:            171.1 lbs.   
Weight Lost:           +1.1 lbs. :(  I will not let this discourage me!! I will work harder tomorrow!
Weight Lost To Date:      5.3 lbs.
Weight Left to Loose:   10.4 lbs.
Wii Fit Age:  52 years old (yikes!)
Today's Exercise:  This morning I worked out for one hour and a half of exercise.  
Added a 3" lift to  my Balance Board
My workout included: 2P Run - Island Lap (w/ 2.5lb. weights) - 253%; Advance Step (w/ 2.5lb. weights) 10x's; My wii Fit Plus Routines:  Health/Tummy- Jack Knife; Single Leg Twist; Snowball Fight; Overindulged- Basic Run 161%; Rhythm Boxing; Lunges; Leaner mii: Hula Hoop; Island Cycling- Island View Course .901 miles; Skating Arena; Form- Arms; Rhythm Kung Fu; Tricep Extensions; Balance Bridge; and finished it off with Penguin Slide (at Calley's request.
Burned 825 calories - Nearly the equivalent of 5.5 oz of cashew nuts (860 calories).  The calories burned include calories burned with activity outside of wii recorded in my Activity Log.
Water Intake:  6 - 16oz bottles of water 

Breakfast:  Triple Berry Banana Smoothie
Snack:  -
Lunch:  cup of spicy tuna salad, with Gluten Free Multi Grain Crackers and water.
Snack:  -
Dinner:  4oz. Grilled Chicken, half of a cup of Basmati Rice and a cup of Garbanzo bean salad with water.

Today's Summary:  I gained 1.1 pounds, but that's ok.  Tomorrow is another day and I will work harder!!!

Supplements:  Let me start by saying this:  I am not making any money off of mentioning Nutrilite in my blog, I wish.  I have added this information to my blog as "full disclosure" as to what I am doing to loose weight.
As mentioned in Day 35 of my other blog, "Taking My Life Back - Making It My Own," my mother-in-law's business is gifting me all my supplements.  I take Nutrilite products for several reasons.  First, they have been around for over 75 years. Secondly, they are the only brand to grow, harvest and process plants on its own organic farms (for over 75 years).  Lastly, they have Stanford behind them, as well as their own scientists that are always testing what plant combinations are best for us.  
I am taking the following:  (this is my routine, some people take their vitamins at night.  I on the other hand, find it best to do so in the morning that way I do not forget.)
Rhodiola 110 Supplement- For energy.  I take two every morning (no matter what). I love this supplement!!!  It energizes you all day, and you never get the shakes from it.
Invisifiber- For fiber and the "full" feeling.  Every morning I sprinkle this on my breakfast or into my smoothie.  You can also just mix it with juice or water.  I forgot to take it one day and that day I had the "hungry" feeling throughout the day.  And never mind that it keeps you really regular.  ;) 
Double X- A multi-vitamin, multi-mineral and phytonutrient supplement.  Excellent source of energy as well.  This needs to be taken on a full stomach.
The previous supplements I take no matter what, now the following supplements are to assist me in weight loss plan.
Slimmetry-  Boost weight loss efforts.  I take two 20-30 minutes before meals.
Glucose Health- Boosts your metabolism.  I take one 30-40 minutes before my meal with a full glass of water.
Carb Blocker 2-  (The best for last) Block up to 500 calories per high-carb meal!  YES!! 500 calories!!  I take anywhere from one to three with a carbohydrate containing meal.  
Tomorrow Goal's:  I am going to continue on the path I am on, however my workout will be a little more intense.  

Cooking Tip of the Day:  When cooking a dish with both vegetables and meat (i.e. in stir frys    and stews), reduce the amount of meat by 1/3 and increase the amount of vegetables by 1/3. You will hardly notice!

Health Tip of the Day:  Green tea can boost your health in some pretty amazing ways. First of all, you need to know that it comes well recommended. The Chinese have been drinking this beverage for thousands of years -- giving it a long and proven history as a health remedy.

I am not a doctor or a dietitian, and am not promoting for you to follow "my 21-day challenge."  I do however advise you to consult your physician before exercise or dieting.  This is for my own personal gain (or loss) and not affiliated with wii in any way.  wii is not paying me for this.

All contents herein are protected under Copyright laws and can not be used, altered or copied. All accounts herein are written by Cali-Gal/Carla B Karam. Please contact me for permission..Just ask.

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My wiiFit Plus 21-Day Challenge! by Carla Barilá Karam is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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