Today's Thoughts: This morning when I woke up, well let's just say it wasn't pretty. I was so tired! Soooo... I d r a g g e d my tush out of bed, and somehow prepared smoothies for both Calley and I. It's still very unclear as to how it all went down. But I did it!!.. took glucose health and my slimmetry (half hour before eating), the Rhodiola, which I prayed it would kick in fast (this gives me energy ALL day!) and before the thought of "not feeling like working out" came into play!.
Moving slow at first, and in a fog, and after having had my smoothie, taking my double x and carb blocker, I forced my self to not think about the fact that I needed to kick it up a notch... I needed to at least work out an hour and a half. I needed to do a lot of cardio in hopes that I can crank up the weight loss, after all I need to loose ten pounds in the next eleven days. BUT before any of that could happen.... I had to sweep my floors!!! (which counts on my mii Activity Log for burning calories). We have four dogs and there's no way on this green earth I am going to work out on a dirty floor!!! (1500sq.ft. gets swept everyday!)
When I was finally done sweeping, I did not allow myself to give it a second thought, and I worked out!
It sure is a great feeling when you finish working out, knowing you had to talk yourself into not thinking about it in the first place!
I want to repeat myself. I feel comfortable doing my 21-day challenge for myself. However, I do not recommend you doing your own challenge without FIRST seeing your doctor.
I know my strengths and weaknesses and use only the exercises that best suite me. Currently I am in "loose weight" mode, therefore heavy cardio is needed for this instance. I am trying to tone my arms as I go, by using two and half pound weights. I do not want to build muscle at this point, (I need to loose weight first) but I do not want full on FLABBY arms either.
wii Fit Plus Tip of the Day: Elaborating on the "stepping on the balance board gingerly". Every computer has its individual "quirks", and with that in mind, so do the balance boards. I get so frustrated when I know for a fact that I did not miss a step, yet the balance board will register it as a miss-step. I have been experimenting with each step that I take, and have come to the conclusion that if I step on my board gently (as if stepping on cotton and not wanting to fall through), as opposed to how I would do so on a normal "step" from step class (I was very aggressive in Step class- I loved it!!)... and then whether you are either going to also step with your other foot or just lift your knee up, just put a slight little bounce to it, as if doing a mini-squat (I feel this one in my thighs and tushy!)... I will get a "perfect" step roughly 7 out of 10 times.
Day 10 Weight: 171.1 lbs.
Weight Lost: 0.0 lbs.
Weight Lost To Date: 5.3 lbs.
Weight Left to Loose: 10.4 lbs.
Wii Fit Age: 53 years old (that darn prediction test!)
Today's Exercise: This morning I worked out for one hour and forty-seven minutes of exercise.
My workout included: 2P Run - Island Lap(w/ 2.5lb. weights) - 177%; Advance Step (w/2.5lb. weights) 8x's; Rhythm Boxing - Expert 1066pts; Free Step 30 minutes- 2,986 steps; and finished it off with Penguin Slide (at Calley's insistence, although I was so "done" .)
Burned 908 calories - the equivalent of 6-8 pieces of fried shrimp (455 calories) and 3oz of chocolate milk (455 calories). The calories burned include calories burned with activity outside of wii recorded in my Activity Log.
Water Intake: 5 - 16oz bottles of water
Snack: celery stick
Dinner: Salad with 3oz. chicken and a half of cup of corn
Dinner: Salad with 3oz. chicken and a half of cup of corn
Today's Summary: No weight loss or gain- which is better than gaining at this point... It only means that my body may be in shock and getting used to the new routine... However, tomorrow is another day and I will continue to work harder!!!
Tomorrow Goal's: I am going to continue on the path I am on, however my workout will be a little more intense.
Cooking Tip of the Day: American Heart Association says that we should preserve the nutrients and colors in veggies. Cook them quickly by steaming or stir-frying.
Health Tip of the Day: Laughter makes you feel good. Don't be afraid to laugh out loud at a joke, a funny movie or a comic strip, even when you're alone. It's a great way to release stress!
All contents herein are protected under Copyright laws and can not be used, altered or copied. All accounts herein are written by Cali-Gal/Carla B Karam. Please contact me for permission..Just ask.
I am not a doctor or a dietitian, and am not promoting for you to follow "my 21-day challenge." I do however advise you to consult your physician before exercise or dieting. This is for my own personal gain (or loss) and not affiliated with wii in any way. wii is not paying me for this.
All contents herein are protected under Copyright laws and can not be used, altered or copied. All accounts herein are written by Cali-Gal/Carla B Karam. Please contact me for permission..Just ask.