Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 7 ~ I made It Through One Entire Week!

Today's Thoughts:  It's been seven days already?  Oh, I feel it.  I do feel good, but I do need to get a better night's sleep.  Finished writing very late last night and I crawled into bed at 4:30am and got up at 8:00am... I dragged all day!!

Day 6 Weight           169.8 lbs.   
Day 7 Weight:            170.0 lbs.   
Weight Lost:                  +.2 lbs.    
Weight Lost To Date:    6.4 lbs.
Weight Left to Loose:   9.3 lbs.
Wii Fit Age:  36 years old (I wish!)
Today's Exercise:  This morning I worked out for one hour and a half of exercise.  
My workout included: 2P Run - Island Lap; Rhythm Boxing - Expert; Advance Step - with weights 3x's;  Island Cycling- Island View Course 3.623 miles;The Sun Salutation; Warrior; Single Leg Extension; 30 minutes of Free Step; and finished it off with Rhythm Boxing - Advance 6 minutes. 
Burned 818 calories - Nearly the equivalent of 5.5 oz of cashew nuts (860 calories).
Water Intake:  6 - 16oz bottles of water 

Breakfast:  Triple Berry Banana Smoothie
Snack:  Red delicious apple
Lunch:  cup of tuna salad, with 20 Gluten Free Multi Grain Crackers and water.
Snack:  Red delicious apple.
Dinner:  Spicy Tuna Sushi and a beer!

Today's Summary:  I gained .2 of a pound, but that's ok.  Tomorrow is another day!!!

Tomorrow Goal's:  I am going to continue on the path I am on, however my workout will be a little more intense.  I had said that I would discuss supplements today, however I am so tired my eyes are closing.  Tomorrow for sure!!

Cooking Tip of the Day:  If you are anything like me and refuse to give up cooking with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, get into the habit of measuring the oil you use while you cook, rather than just pouring it out of the bottle. It will be much easier to moderate the amount you use. 

I am not a doctor or a dietitian, and am not promoting for you to follow "my 21-day challenge."  I do however advise you to consult your physician before exercise or dieting.  This is for my own personal gain (or loss) and not affiliated with wii in any way.  wii is not paying me for this.

All contents herein are protected under Copyright laws and can not be used, altered or copied. All accounts herein are written by Cali-Gal/Carla B Karam. Please contact me for permission..Just ask.

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Creative Commons License
My wiiFit Plus 21-Day Challenge! by Carla Barilá Karam is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at