Today's Thoughts: OK.. Today I almost let wii beat me! Then I remembered the advise I give to people when they say they do not like computers or feel intimidated by them... "It is only a machine. A machine created by man. You are smarter than the machine!"
I was doing the expert level on Island Cycling and I kept falling off the cliff side, and it kept returning me to where I had started!! I kept telling myself, "it's a machine... it's a machine! I will not let it beat me!' After being on this course nearly an hour, it ended the exercise telling me I had been on it too long and that I needed a break." After well over 8 miles, I may not have found the remaining four flags, but I did not let it beat me!
My Experience: I wanted to mention that by no part am I affiliated with wii or any website. I am doing this on my own, using the years of vast knowledge I picked up dieting and working out.
I have always looked into diets, taken nutritional classes, and as mentioned before, worked out with personal trainers, fitness models and professional body builders. I picked their brains and this is the result.
If I am not sure about something, I will research it before I will post it here... That's a promise!
However, having the knowledge is nothing if you do not put it to good use!
My Cooking & Eating Habits: My problem is that I love good food; gourmet food; I love to cook, I must use butter, not margarine, I do not do diet drinks (it's either all or nothing- besides I am not a big soda drinker); sugar- never artificial; we make things from scratch... lemonade included; I only used natural fresh foods, nothing processed or canned... fresh, Fresh, FRESH! foods only!!, I love to eat, and Calley loves to cook with me...
Now we just have to tweek the way we cook and eat. All I have to do is just substitute some items for other healthier ones. Lot's of times I will use lemon or lime, instead of salt. Portion sizes are important too! Keeping in mind that even though your stomach is very elastic and conforms, it is about the size of your fist.
My Health: I feel very blessed to be able to report that at the age of 48 , I am in great health!! Other than a few HOT FLASHES here and there... I'm doing pretty well.
Goal: To loose 15 pounds in 21 days
If Chris Powell's clients on Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition can be expected to loose anywhere from 90 to 150 pounds in a 90-day period... I can do this!
Day 5 Weight: 171.1 lbs.
Weight Lost: -1.3 lbs.
Weight Lost To Date: 5.3 lbs.
Weight Left to Loose: 10.4 lbs.
Wii Fit Age: 48 years old
Today's Exercise: This morning I worked out for two hours thirty-three minutes of exercise. I made my daily goal!!
My workout included: Two Person Island Run- with weights (Calley exercises with me), Advance Step - with weights, Rhythm Boxing, Island Cycling- Island View Course, Island Cycling- Expert Course (kicked my butt!!), Obstacle Course, Basic Run - with weights, Rhythm Boxing, and finished it off with Super Hula Hoop.
Burned 753 calories - Nearly the equivalent of eating a triple patty cheeseburger (770 calories).
Water Intake: 5 - 16oz bottles of water
Lunch: 1 cup of tuna salad, with 20 Gluten Free Multi Grain Crackers and water.
Dinner: A Romaine Lettuce Salad with tomatoes, avocados, carrots and scallions, 3 chicken wings, with and duh... 1/4 cup of basmati rice (sorry I do not do brown rice- although it is healthier and recommended for diets. I just do not care for it.)
Today's Summary: Wow another pound! Loving It!! Just want to share, that one would think that I would be starving during the day.. Not at all! It is true, breakfast helps you!!
Tomorrow's Goal: I am going to continue on the path I am on, and keep my workout to two and a half hours.
Cooking Tip of the Day: Freezing bananas is a wonderful thing!! However, please remember to remove the peel! I had to throw away three bananas today!
Health Tip of the Day: According to Scientific American drinking too much water can be deadly. I remember back in 2007 a radio station held a water-drinking contest, and a 28 year old woman died. How much water should we drink? The Mayo Clinic doctors state that a person living in a temperate climate should drink 8 or 9 cups according to their activities.
I am not a doctor or a dietitian, and am not promoting for you to follow "my 21-day challenge." I do however advise you to consult your physician before exercise or dieting. This is for my own personal gain (or loss) and not affiliated with wii in any way. wii is not paying me for this.
All contents herein are protected under Copyright laws and can not be used, altered or copied. All accounts herein are written by Cali-Gal/Carla B Karam. Please contact me for permission..Just ask.
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