Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 12 ~ I Will Not GiIve Up!

Today's Thoughts:  UGH!! I can't tell you how much I am not liking myself right now!.. I really feel disappointed that its past 9:00pm and I still have not worked out...  I'll tell you what I have been doing... all day today, cleaning!   

I think I have been more in a frenzy because I not only did not loose any weight, but I gained another pound!  This is so disappointing!!  I know I have not been working out in the last couple of days as I have been... but I have been doing major house cleaning, including plastering a bathroom, laundry and dusting!  Have I mentioned to you that I hate housecleaning?  Well, guess what? ... I hate housecleaning... and on the other hand... I hate a  dirty house!!!

Day 11 Weight:          172.4 lbs.   
Day 12 Weight:          173.5 lbs.   
Weight Lost:                +1.1 lbs. 
Weight Lost To Date:      2.9 lbs.
Weight Left to Loose:    12.8 lbs.

Wii Fit Age:  --  I did the quick test this morning, and missed out on the testing.
Today's Exercise:  As mentioned, I did house cleaning for eight hours today!  
My workout included: exhausted!!
Burned 1,322 calories - the equivalent of 9oz Steak (655 calories) and 9 to 12 pieces of fried shrimp (680 calories)  The calories burned include calories burned with activity outside of wii recorded in my Activity Log.
Water Intake:  4 - 16oz bottles of water 

Breakfast:  none.  life happened... I had to take Dean to work
Snack:  cup of leek soup
Lunch:  today is all messed up! 
Snack:   cup of leek soup
Dinner:  3oz of sirloin steak; cilantro pesto with tomatoes, and 1/3 cup of basmati rice

Today's Summary:  Gained another pound and change... NOT HAPPY!!!  However, tomorrow is another day and I will continue to work harder!!!   Honestly, at this point, I do not want to get discouraged, but I do know that I HAVE TO BE REALISTIC... it is going be difficult to reach my goal... BUT!!! ...  I am not going to give up... and I am going to continue living and cooking healthy!

Tomorrow Goal's:  I am going to do better tomorrow, however I have a lot of housework to finish... as well as some added responsibilities.  REGARDLESS...  I will continue to better myself, and intensify my cardio tomorrow!!.  

Cooking Tip of the Day:  To make fat-free broth, chill your meat or chicken broth. The fat will rise to the top, and you can remove it before using the broth.

Health Tip of the Day Losing weight can increase your energy level!

I am not a doctor or a dietitian, and am not promoting for you to follow "my 21-day challenge."  I do however advise you to consult your physician before exercise or dieting.  This is for my own personal gain (or loss) and not affiliated with wii in any way.  wii is not paying me for this.

All contents herein are protected under Copyright laws and can not be used, altered or copied. All accounts herein are written by Cali-Gal/Carla B Karam. Please contact me for permission..Just ask.

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Creative Commons License
My wiiFit Plus 21-Day Challenge! by Carla Barilá Karam is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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